6 Ways to Save This Holiday Season
Editorial Note: Articles published are intended to provide general information and educational content related to personal finance, banking, and credit union services. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, it should not be considered as financial advice and may be revised as needed.
The holidays are upon us, and it is officially time to begin your shopping. However, this doesn't mean you have to overspend.
There’s no need to rack up a huge credit card bill or go into debt just to cover your holiday expenses. Enjoy a stress-free season by keeping your spending in check with these six tips:
1. Create a detailed list of all your expenses
Before you start shopping, sit down and compile a list of every holiday expense you can think of. Include all gifts, holiday décor, travel expenses, charitable donations, and food costs. Try to keep the list minimal as possible by cutting out any non-essentials.
2. Determine how much money you can spend
Once you have all of your expenses written out, work on finding a magic number that will cover everything on your list and that you can comfortably afford. Ideally, this money should come from funds you’ve set aside just for this purpose. If you haven't already set money aside, make this a goal for next year.
3. Divide and conquer
Next, assign specific amounts of money in your budget for each expense category and for every person on your gift list. For example, you can decide to spend $300 on your preteen daughter’s gifts and to donate $100 to charity this season. Again, make sure you are being realistic with the amount of money you can spend, not the amount you want to spend.
4. Track as you shop
When you are ready to begin shopping, keep a careful account of exactly how much money you’ve spent for each person and each expense category. It’s best to use cash or a debit card when shopping, and always remember to review your budget often to make sure you’re staying on track. This way, you’ll know how much you’re spending and you won’t be hit by awful bills come January when you receive your December credit card statement.
5. Shop smartly and spend less
Keep your spending to a minimum by following these hacks:
- Follow the 24-hour rule. Before purchasing anything on the expensive side, wait 24 hours. Sometimes, after sleeping on it, you’ll find that you don’t need to buy that pricey gift after all. Or, you might find the same item somewhere else at a lower price.
- Shop online on Tuesday mornings. Research shows this time of week is when you’ll find the hottest online deals.
- Shop with a friend. Take advantage of BOGO sales by splitting the cost of a single item with a friend and each of you taking one item home.
- Shop late. Everyone likes to get an early start on holiday shopping, but prices actually drop in the weeks leading up to Christmas as retailers seek to clear out their holiday inventory.
6. Let Listerhill help.
If you’re having trouble covering your holiday expenses, or you want to get a head start on next year’s costs, let us help! Here are three ways we can take the financial stress out of the holiday season:
- Skip-a-Pay. We get it. The holidays are crazy expensive. That’s why we allow qualifying members to skip one payment on a loan this time of year without hurting their credit or defaulting on their loan. It’s extra breathing room, just when you need it!
- Personal Loan. If you can’t come up with the funds you need for the holidays, consider taking out a personal loan with Listerhill. Our fantastic terms and affordable rates make it a safe and easy option.
- Start Saving. Don't let the holidays sneak up on you next year. It only takes $5.00 to become a member at Listerhill. Not only will you be able to deposit money in your account throughout the year, but there are no service fees, ever. As a member, you will even earn interest on your account balance.
Don’t let financial stress ruin your holiday cheer this year. Follow our tips to keep your spending down, and stop by your nearest Listerhill branch to see how we can help!
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